Shauna Golden

Writer, Editor, Content Creator

Shauna Golden is a content creator and visual storyteller

Woman holding a book titled A Shadow in the Ember off to the side of her while wearing a sweater that says Everything with Kindness

About Shauna

Editing Services


Developmental Editing

Developmental editing goes beyond grammar and typos. It dives deep into your story’s core, analyzing plot, characters, theme, and voice. By providing a roadmap for improvement, it strengthens your foundation and helps you make informed revisions. This valuable tool can transform your manuscript into a captivating read that shines with its full potential.

A manuscript evaluation offers a fresh perspective on your story. It analyzes key aspects like plot, characters, and world-building, highlighting strengths and pinpointing areas for improvement. This valuable feedback helps you refine your narrative, build confidence, and make targeted revisions to elevate your manuscript to the next level.

Proofreading is the final polish for your manuscript. It acts as a guardian against typos, punctuation errors, and formatting inconsistencies. A professional proofread ensures your story shines with a clean presentation, enhancing readability and leaving a strong first impression on readers and agents. It’s the final step for a manuscript that’s ready to captivate and impress.

Why Choose Me

Storytelling Focus: I don’t just edit for grammar and typos; I understand the power of storytelling and help authors refine their plots, characters, and voice to create a truly captivating read.

Multifaceted Expertise: I offer a range of editing services allowing authors to choose the level of support they need at each stage of the writing process.

Passionate Advocate: I genuinely care about helping authors achieve their dreams. My enthusiasm for their work shines through, creating a positive and collaborative editing experience.

Having been a literary agent, I have a keen eye for what makes a manuscript publishable. I use that knowledge to elevate your work, ensuring it’s polished and ready to impress!

My Blog

August 2024 Reading Wrap Up

August 2024 Reading Wrap Up

August turned out to be a bit of a slump for me. There was so much going on and moving parts that it was hard to sit down and read. But even when I did have time I often felt that I didn’t want to pick up a book. All of that is okay though because I’m picking back up...

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3 Bookish Things Tag

3 Bookish Things Tag

Disclaimer This post may contain several affiliate links, meaning I'll earn a small commission if you purchase through these links with no additional charge to you! I thought this week we could do something fun and what's more fun than doing a bookish tag! This tag is...

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Vacation Post

Vacation Post

No major blog this week as I'm vacationing with my family in the mountains! Enjoy some pictures we've taken so far and I'll see you all next week!

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