July 2024 Reading Wrap Up

Aug 2, 2024 | General, Reading | 0 comments

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Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver

Book cover with the title Butcher and Blackbird by Brynne Weaver

Alright, starting off strong with Butcher and Blackbird. This one has been talked about immensely everytime I opened my Instagram feed or Tik Tok. And if you haven’t seen it, you had to have been taking a break from social media, because when I say I’ve seen it everywhere, I’ve seen it EVERYWHERE.

Butcher and Blackbird is a dark humor romance about two serial killers, Rowan and Sloane, who fall in love. Wow, I can’t believe I summed it up in one sentence! But that’s the major gist of this book. Did I eat it up and was unable to put it down? You bet. Did it make me not like cookies and cream ice cream anymore? Absolutely. (No spoilers here so if you want to have this delicious ice cream for you ruined, go read this book). 

But seriously though, I enjoyed this book! It’s got such dark humor, gore, and lots of romance! Not as many steamy moments as I thought there’d be from what I was reading of people’s reviews. But I enjoyed it overall and it was definitely a fun read!

Leather and Lark by Brynne Weaver

Book cover with the title Leather and Lark by Brynne Weaver

What better book to read but Leather and Lark, the second book in the Ruinous Love Trilogy. This follows Butcher and Blackbird almost immediately where it left off. We start off in the prequel a little back in time, but we slowly catch up to that timeline and then continue the story from there.

In this book we follow one of Rowan’s brothers, Lachlan, and Sloane’s best friend, Lark and they are the main focus of this love story. We know that Lachlan is a murder for hire, but trying desperately to get out of the industry, and we find out that Lark has her own little killing streak. Their lives continue to clash even though they pretty much hate each other.

I really enjoyed this book as well. I may have even enjoyed it a tad more than the first one. I’m still not quite sure why that is, I’ve been mulling over it ever since I finished the book but still can’t figure it out. I guess I just like ‘em dark and broody (Lachlan) and won’t take no shit (Lark). 

For the Throne by Hannah Whitten

Book cover with the title For the Throne by Hannah Whitten

For the Throne is the second book in Hannah Whitten’s duology series. The first one, For the Wolf, I talk about in my blog here. This one took me quite a bit to read, even though I was listening to the audio book.

This second book picks up right where the first book left off. We are now following Neve more so in this book versus her sister Red in the first book. We get Red’s perspective now and then but this is mostly Neve’s story as she is destined for the throne.

I mentioned this in my review of the first book and it’s accurate for the second, I just felt that it wasn’t quite the right time for me to read these books. I have a hard time really saying one way or another about if I liked them. Because I found myself zoning in and out of listening to these books it’s hard for me to say I truly loved or hated them. I’m just in between. The world was really cool, I was interested in the characters, and the plot didn’t seem too complicated. I’d love to give these books another try so that I can truly assess them when I’m more ready!

You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

Book cover with the title You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
You are a badass at making money

This seems to be my trend lately. I’ve really gone deep into nonfiction these past few months and I’ve been thoroughly enjoying myself. I think the biggest reason why is because I’m starting to finally take my business and the investment in myself seriously. These nonfiction books are helping me to elevate myself and I’m here for it!

I first read a book by Jen Sincero back in 2020 and it flipped my way of thinking about life. It’s titled, You are a Badass: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life. It completely changed my mindset and I still carry a lot of her teachings with me to this day.

I knew she had written another book about money but I was always hesitant to actually read it. Money is a weird topic for me, like it is for a lot of people. But once again, Jen Sincero has flipped me around and basically beaten me with a stick while yelling, “you need a good relationship with money if you ever want to make any!” 

Now understand, she doesn’t talk about what accounts to open or businesses to invest in, she’s not an accountant or anything. But what she does for her readers is open their view to the world and start to understand why we feel the way we do about money. She provides exercises at the end of every chapter and I’ve actually made myself sit down and do them. And let me tell you, she has somehow cracked me open because I was actually crying while doing some of these exercises!

I never knew some of things I found out about myself through this process but I’m so glad I did. I can’t recommend this book enough to anyone who is looking to up their game, cry a little, and then get out there and make some money!

Well there you have it, my July 2024 Reading Wrap Up! If you’d like to watch me ramble on about all of these books in video form, I’ve linked my BookTube video right above!


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