
Developmental Editing

Elevate your manuscript with developmental editing. We focus on big-picture elements like plot, character, and theme, ensuring your story shines.

Manuscript Evaluation

Get insider feedback on your manuscript. Our evaluation pinpoints strengths and areas for improvement, guiding you towards a publishable draft.


Polish your prose to perfection. Our meticulous proofreading catches typos, grammar errors, and inconsistencies, ensuring your manuscript is error-free and ready to impress.

Developmental Edit

“I wouldn’t trust anyone else to edit my work like Shauna does. Her attention to detail is incredible, and ever since she’s been editing for me, my writing has seriously improved. I would be lost without her guidance!”

-Jordan Orlando

Developmental Edit

“Shauna was such a pleasure to work with. I am so grateful for her time and all the feedback she provided. I learned a great deal from my experience with her.”

-Kelli Green

Copy Edit/Proofread

“Shauna’s thorough and thoughtful approach to editing is really what helped me have confidence that I was putting the most polished version of my work out there. She also takes into account the tone of your work and helped make some of my punchlines hit harder by certain grammar suggestions. She’s definitely the person I trust the most with my work!”

-Shaina Ghuraya

Manuscript Evaluation

I was connected to Shauna through the Writers Workshop Network. I was looking for someone with experience as an editor and in publishing to help me prepare my manuscript for publishing. Shauna was wonderful and easy to work with, and our discussions over Zoom helped us figure out which editing approach was best. In my case, I needed help deciding which parts of my novel I could cut in order to meet publishers’ word count requirements, and Shauna was invaluable in guiding me to places where I had redundant information or lines. Shauna was very clear and constructive in her feedback and helped me recognize patterns in my writing. She also went over her evaluation letter via Zoom to ensure that I understood her feedback for different sections of the book. With Shauna’s feedback and suggestions, I believe my manuscript will be much stronger than if I were revising on my own.

-Alexandra Parker

Services Explained

Small iPad being held in front of bookshelf lit with christmas lights

Developmental Editing

Rate: $0.021 per word

Unveiling Your Story’s Potential

Crafting a captivating novel is a thrilling journey, but sometimes your manuscript needs a keen eye to polish its brilliance. That’s where developmental editing comes in.

What is it?

Unlike proofreading that focuses on grammar and typos or line editing that focuses on specific phrasing and sentence structure, developmental editing is your partner in exploring the big picture. It delves into the core of your story, analyzing elements like:

  • Structure and Plot: Does the narrative flow smoothly? Is the pacing engaging? Are there plot holes or inconsistencies?
  • Character Development: Are your characters relatable and well-rounded? Do their actions motivate the plot?
  • Theme and Voice: Does your story resonate with a central message? Does your writing style capture the reader’s attention?

Why is it important?

A developmental edit acts as a roadmap, helping you strengthen your story’s foundation. It can:

  • Identify areas that need improvement before you delve into deeper revisions.
  • Ensure your plot is cohesive and keeps readers engaged.
  • Refine your characters, making them more believable and impactful.
  • Sharpen your voice and writing style to better connect with your target audience.

The outcome?

A polished manuscript that shines! Developmental editing empowers you to:

  • Gain fresh perspectives on your story.
  • Make informed decisions about revisions.
  • Increase your chances of captivating agents and readers.

Ready to take your book to the next level?

Consider investing in developmental editing. It’s an invaluable tool that can transform your manuscript from a good story to a truly great one.

A laptop sits open on a table with an iced coffee sitting next to it. There is a yard in the background showing green grass and trees

Manuscript Evaluation

Rate: $0.014 per word

Seeing Your Story Through New Eyes

Every writer pours their heart and soul into their work. But sometimes, an objective perspective can make all the difference. A manuscript evaluation offers a valuable opportunity to gain valuable insights into your creation.

What is a Manuscript Evaluation?

Think of a manuscript evaluation as a snapshot of your story’s strengths and weaknesses. It provides a professional editor’s assessment on key elements like:

  • Plot and Pacing: Does the story unfold in a captivating way? Are there sections that drag or lack tension?
  • Character Development: Are your characters well-defined and engaging? Do their actions and motivations feel believable?
  • World-Building (for fantasy or sci-fi): Is your fictional world immersive and well-conceived? Does it seamlessly blend with the narrative?
  • Voice and Style: Does your writing capture the reader’s attention? Is it clear and consistent with your genre?

The Benefits of a Manuscript Evaluation

A manuscript evaluation offers crucial feedback at a pivotal stage in your writing journey. Here’s how it can benefit you:

  • Identify areas for improvement: Gain insights into aspects that might need further development before querying or self-publishing but after you’ve gone through a developmental edit.
  • Gain confidence in your work: Receive validation of what’s working well and get guidance on how to strengthen your story.
  • Make informed revisions: The evaluation provides a roadmap for targeted edits, maximizing the impact of your revision process.

The Result?

A manuscript evaluation empowers you to bring your story to its full potential. It can help you:

  • Refine your narrative structure for a more engaging read.
  • Craft compelling characters that resonate with readers.
  • Polish your writing style to leave a lasting impression.

Ready to take your manuscript to the next level?

Consider a manuscript evaluation as a valuable investment in your writing journey. It can be the key to unlocking the hidden potential within your story and propelling it towards success.

A book sits open on a granite countertop with an open notebook beside it and a pen on top. Pink and orange flowers rest a tthe top left of the frame


Rate: $0.009 per word

The Final Polish

The last hurdle before your masterpiece reaches readers? A meticulous proofread. This final step ensures your polished manuscript is free of errors, ready to captivate your audience.

What is Proofreading?

Unlike developmental editing that focuses on plot and characters, proofreading is the eagle-eyed guardian against:

  • Grammatical errors: From pesky typos to subject-verb agreement, a proofreader catches them all.
  • Punctuation inconsistencies: Misplaced commas, semicolons, and periods can disrupt the flow. Proofreading ensures clarity.
  • Formatting mishaps: Inconsistent spacing, stray paragraph breaks, or dialogue formatting issues are eliminated.

Why is Proofreading Important?

Even the most brilliant story can be tarnished by errors. Proofreading guarantees a professional presentation, leaving a positive impression on readers and potential agents.

  • Professional polish: A polished manuscript demonstrates your dedication and commitment to quality.
  • Enhanced readability: A smooth reading experience keeps readers immersed in your story.
  • Increased credibility: Error-free writing fosters trust and strengthens your authorial voice.

The Outcome?

A flawless manuscript that shines! Proofreading provides:

  • Peace of mind: Knowing your manuscript is error-free allows you to confidently share your work.
  • Reader satisfaction: A polished presentation enhances the reading experience.
  • A strong first impression: A professional manuscript increases your chances of success.

Ready to share your story with the world?

Invest in proofreading. It’s the final touch that ensures your manuscript is ready to leave a lasting impact.

GEnres I work with

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Fantasy Romance
YA Fantasy
Historical Fiction
Book club/Upmarket Fiction

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Picture Books

Not sure what you need?

If you’re unsure what services your manuscript might need just reach out and I’m happy to discuss the options with you based on your needs!

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