What is BookTube?

What is BookTube?

Let me tell you about a wonderful place on the internet. It’s a magical land, filled with endless readathons, funny reviews, and heart wrenching stories. It’s a place where you’ll see novels, trilogies, audiobooks, and poetry collections. Are you intrigued yet? Let me...
My Top 5 Favorite Reads of 2023

My Top 5 Favorite Reads of 2023

Disclaimer This post may contain several affiliate links, meaning I’ll earn a small commission if you purchase through these links with no additional charge to you! Now that 2023 is officially over (where did the last few years go?) I wanted to review my top 5...
Hello world!

Hello world!

Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever blog post (eeekk!!). I’m so excited to get started on this journey and see where it takes me. This post is mostly to introduce myself and also give you a brief little rundown of how I want this blog to go. (Although let’s be...