Hello world!

Apr 13, 2024 | General, Reading | 0 comments

White journal that says "Make it happen" on the cover with pink polka dotted pen on top. White iPhone sitting next to the journal and pink tulips in a vase above them both

Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever blog post (eeekk!!). I’m so excited to get started on this journey and see where it takes me.

This post is mostly to introduce myself and also give you a brief little rundown of how I want this blog to go. (Although let’s be honest, it’s probably going to go in a hundred different directions I never thought it would take). But that’s okay! Because this is a judge free zone therefore I will not judge myself if my path strays a tad.

Since I have a diverse background in my hobbies and professional life, I wanted this blog to be a reflection of everything that makes me, me. I’ve tried to narrow down my passions as best I can so here it goes.

I LOVE reading and everything about books. I started a Booktube page back in 2019 to discuss all things books. My Bookstagram account was also created to coincide with the YouTube channel. I even translated this love into a part-time job as a literary agent!

I started off as an intern for a boutique literary agency and in no time was promoted to associate agent. From there I started building my list of amazing authors to represent. I’ll dive deep into what all that entails in another post. But for now, I hope this conveys to you how much I love books. I’m now no longer an agent but a freelance editor!

The next hobby that I’d like to document more of and share with the world is my love of cooking. Now I’m not the greatest at creating recipes (yet) but I do love experimenting with new recipes and always trying something new. This blog will begin to document all the recipes that I use so are tried and true and ones that have become new favorites.

Lastly, the past several years, starting in my mid 20’s now moving into late 20’s, I’ve been having a difficult time really finding my passion for a career.

After some soul searching and many, many tears while discussing all of this with my husband, I’ve decided to fully dive into the freelance editing atmosphere. I just want to help authors tell their stories and help readers find their next favorite book! So come along on this crazy ride with me as I navigate opening my own business and figure out this crazy thing called life!

Wow, reading back over this post I realized I am officially all over the place. But who among us isn’t? I hope that something I wrote here resonates with you and makes you want to continue following my journey. There’s going to be a lot of mess but also a lot of fun as I start this new path in my life.

I hope you’re strapped in because it’s going to be one hell of a ride. Come along with me to live the golden life.


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